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Virginia Nonstock Corporations

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your Virginia Nonstock Corporation. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.

  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Before You Form Reserve or Renew a Business Name (SCC631) $10 File Online or Download Form
Transfer a Reserved Business Name $10 File Online
Start a New Business Form a new Virginia Nonstock Corporation (SCC819)
Note: See the Virginia Nonprofit Organization Toolkit for helpful information
$75 File Online, or Download Form
SCC819-DOC or SCC819-PDF; Download guidelines
SCC819NP-DOC to create your own articles.
Restart Your Business Reinstate your business (SCC916P) $10 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (SCC635/834) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (SCC636/835) No Fee File Online or Download Form
SCC636-DOC or SCC636-PDF
Update Your Business Update your Principal Office Address and the names, titles and addresses of your directors and principal officers (SCC1) No Fee File Online (select Annual Report) or
Request a Form 
Change your Business Name by Unanimous Consent of the Members or by the Directors without Member Action (SCC888N) $25 File Online or Download Form
Amend Articles of Incorporation to update specific information (SCC888) $25 File Online. Download guidelines SCC888-DOC to create your own articles. This is required for certain changes.
Restate Articles of Incorporation to replace the entire articles (SCC889) $25 File & Attach Online. Download guidelines.SCC889-DOC to create your own articles.
Correct articles to fix information that was mistakenly provided (SCC607/807)
Note: Must be filed within 30 days
$25 File & Attach Online. Download guidelines SCC607/807-DOC to create your own articles.
Convert, Domesticate, or Merge Your Business Convert your Virginia Nonstock Corporation to a different business type Varies by business type File & Attach Online. No guidelines available; you must create your own articles.
Domesticate your Virginia Nonstock Corporation to a different jurisdiction (SCC898.5-FN) $25 File & Attach Online. Download guidelines SCC898.5FN-DOC to create your own articles.
Merge your corporation with another eligible business (SCC896) $25 File & Attach Online. Download guidelines
SCC896-DOC to create your own articles.
Close Your Business Dissolve your corporation while the business winds up its affairs (SCC904) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC904-DOC or SCC-904PDF
Remove the decision to dissolve your corporation (SCC905) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC905-DOC or SCC905-PDF
Terminate your corporation after it has ceased to conduct business (SCC912) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC912-DOC or SCC912-PDF
Terminate your corporation before it has started doing business (SCC913) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC913-DOC or SCC913-PDF

Virginia Stock Corporations

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your Virginia Stock Corporation. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.

  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Before You Form (Optional) Reserve or Renew a Business Name - 120 days (SCC631) $10 File Online or Download Form
Transfer a Reserved Business Name $10 File Online
Start a New Business Form a new Virginia Stock Corporation (SCC619) See Charter Fees File Online or Download Form
SCC619-DOC or SCC619-PDF
Form a new Virginia Professional Stock Corporation (SCC544)
Note: Only for businesses who provide the qualified services
See Charter Fees File Online or Download Form
SCC544-DOC or SCC544-PDF
Restart Your Business Reinstate your business (SCC754P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (SCC635/834) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (SCC636/835) No Fee File Online or Download Form
SCC636-DOC or SCC636-PDF
Update Your Business Update your Principal Office Address and the names, titles and addresses of your directors and principal officers (SCC1) No Fee File Online (select Annual Report) or
Request a Form
Change your Business Name by Unanimous Consent of the Shareholders (SCC710N) $25 File Online or Download Form
Amend Articles of Incorporation to update specific information (SCC710) $25 + any additional charter fees File Online. Download guidelines SCC710-DOC to create your own articles. This is required for certain changes.
Restate Articles of Incorporation to replace the entire articles (SCC711) $25 + any additional charter fees File & Attach Online. Download guidelines SCC711-DOC to create your own articles.
Correct articles to fix information that was mistakenly provided (SCC607/807)
Note: Must be filed within 30 days
$25 + any additional charter fees File & Attach Online. Download guidelines SCC607-DOC to create your own articles.
Convert, Domesticate, or Merge Your Business Convert your Virginia Stock Corporation to a new business type (SCC722.12) Varies by business type File & Attach Online. Download guidelines SCC722.12-DOC to convert to a Virginia LLC.
Domesticate your Virginia Stock Corporation to a different jurisdiction (SCC722.5-FN) $25 File & Attach Online. Download guidelines.SCC722.5-DOC to create your own articles.
Merge your corporation with another eligible business type (SCC720) $25 + any additional charter fees File & Attach Online. Download guidelines SCC720-DOC to create your own articles.
Close Your Business Dissolve your corporation while the business winds up its affairs (SCC743) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC743-DOC or SCC743-PDF
Remove the decision to dissolve your corporation (SCC744) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC744-DOC or SCC744-PDF
Terminate your corporation after it has ceased conducting business (SCC750) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC750-DOC or SCC750-PDF
Terminate your corporation before it has issued shares or has issued shares but not started doing business (SCC751) $10 File Online or Download Form
SCC751-DOC or SCC751-PDF

Administrative Letters to be Reviewed by All Agents

Notify me when this page changes.

There are a number of Administrative Letters that should be carefully reviewed by any person licensed as an insurance agent in Virginia. Specifically, licensees should review, at a minimum, the following:
Letter - Subject Life &
Health Property
& Casualty
Address Changes
2006-07 - Online Address Changes X X X X
Adverse Underwriting Decisions
2015-07 - Requirements for Adverse Underwriting Decisions and Notices; Withdrawal of Administrative Letters 1978-4; 1978-9; 1978-11; 1981-4; 1981-15, 1981-16, and 2003-06 X X X X
1981-15 - Adverse Underwriting Decisions X X    
1981-16 - Adverse Underwriting Decisions     X  
Agent Appointments
2002-01 - Procedures To Recognize Military Call-Up To Active Duty - Agent Licensing and Agent Appointment Processes X X X X
Agent Licensing
2010-02 - Online Printing of Producer Licenses X X X X
2007-05 - Administrative Changes and Changes in Laws Governing Agent Licensing X X X X
2007-04 - Change in Vendor Providing Insurance License Examinations X X X X
2006-11 - Procedural change: Displaying National Producer Numbers (NPN) in Lieu of Social Security/DMV-Assigned Numbers X X X X
2006-04 - Implementation of Procedure Change in Requesting a Duplicate License X X X X
2006-01 - Implementation of Procedure Change in Requesting Letters of Certification X X X X
2005-09 - Implementation of electronic non-resident licensing (eNRL) with electronic funds transfer for licensing fees X X X X
2004-03 - Procedural changes, administrative changes and clarifications regarding agent licensing and the Bureau's Agent Licensing Section X X X X
2002-09 - Insurance Activities Requiring Persons To Be Licensed X X X X
2002-08 - Changes in Laws Governing Licensing of Various Types of Insurance Agents And Procedures X X X X
2002-08 (Table) - License Conversion Table of Virginia License Types X X X X
2002-01 - Procedures To Recognize Military Call-Up To Active Duty - Agent Licensing and Agent Appointment Processes X X X X
Certificates of Insurance
2012-07 - Certificates of Insurance – Unfair Trade Practices     X  
2011-02 - Certificates of Insurance – Misuse     X  
Continuing Education
2013-02 - Revisions to the Virginia Insurance Continuing Education Program Requirements, effective January 1, 2013 X X X X
Flood Insurance
2007-01 - Flood Insurance Training Requirements for Insurance Agents with a Property and Casualty License or Personal Lines License Selling through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)     X  
Health Insurance Sales
2001-09 - SCC Advises Agents to Beware when Selling Health Insurance Coverage X X    
Long-Term Care Insurance Sales
2007-03 - Chapter 200 of Title 14 of the Virginia Administrative Code Rules Governing Long-Term Care Insurance Long-Term Care Partnership Program X X    
2008-03 - Rules Governing Military Sales Practices (14 VAC 5-420-10 et. seq.) X X    
2002-01 - Procedures To Recognize Military Call-Up To Active Duty - Agent Licensing and Agent Appointment Processes X X X X
Privacy and GLBA
2012-04 - Revised Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Privacy Notices; Withdrawal of Administrative Letter 2011-06 X   X  
2003-04 - Senate Bill No. 878 Privacy Safeguards X X X X
2010-02 - Online Printing of Producer Licenses X X X X
2008-11 - Implementation of the New Bureau of Insurance Sircon for States System X X X X
2006-01 - Implementation of Procedure Change in Requesting Letters of Certification X X X X
Title Insurance
2005-03 - Title Insurance - Negotiating Title Insurance Risk Rates       X
2003-03 - Title Insurance - Unfair Discrimination       X
1995-08 - Title Insurance - Closing Protection Letters       X
1992-06 - Title Insurance - Kickbacks, Rebates, Commissions, and Other Payments       X
1978-08 - Title Insurance - Filing Requirements       X
Vendor – License Examinations
2007-04 - Change in Vendor Providing Insurance License Examinations X X X X
Summary of Legislation Enacted 2010-2017
2017-02 - Insurance-Related Legislation Enacted by the 2017 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2016-04 - Insurance-Related Legislation Enacted by the 2016 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2015-10 - Insurance-Related Legislation Enacted by the 2015 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2014-04 - Legislation Enacted by the 2014 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2013-05 - Legislation Enacted by the 2013 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2012-05 - Legislation Enacted by the 2012 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2011-04 - Legislation Enacted by the 2011 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2010-06 - Legislation Enacted by the 2010 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
Summary of Legislation Enacted 2000-2009
2009-05 - Legislation Enacted by the 2009 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2008-08 - Legislation Enacted by the 2008 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2007-06 - Legislation Enacted by the 2007 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2006-10 - Legislation Enacted by the 2006 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2005-10 - Legislation Enacted by the 2005 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2004-05 - Legislation Enacted by the 2004 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2003-05 - Legislation Enacted by the 2003 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2002-05 - Legislation Enacted by the 2002 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2001-03 - Legislation Enacted by the 2001 Virginia General Assembly X X X X
2000-08 - Legislation Enacted by the 2000 Virginia General Assembly X X X X


Public Adjuster FAQs


Foreign Limited Partnerships

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your out-of-state Limited Partnership. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.

  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Before You Form Reserve or Renew a Business Name (SCC631) $10 File Online or Download Form
Transfer a Reserved Business Name $10 File Online
Start a New Business Register a new Foreign Limited Partnership (LPA73.54)
Note: See the Foreign Registration Checklist for helpful information
$100 File Online or Download Form
LPA73.54-DOC or LPA73.54-PDF
Restart Your Business Reinstate your business (LPA73.58:3P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (LPA73.5) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (LPA73.6) No Fee File Online or Download Form
LPA73.6-DOC or LPA73.6-PDF
Update Your Business Amend your Application for Registration as a Foreign Limited Partnership (LPA73.57) $25 File Online or Download Form
LPA73.57-DOC or LPA73.57-PDF
Convert Your Business Convert your Foreign Limited Partnership to become a Virginia Stock Corporation $25 + any additional Charter Fees See information on filing requirements. You must create your own articles.
Close Your Business Cancel your Registration as a Foreign Limited Partnership (LPA73.58) $25 File Online or Download Form
LPA73.58-DOC or LPA73.58-PDF

Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnerships

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnership. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.
  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Start a New Business Register as a Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA132) $100 File Online or Download Form
UPA132-DOC or UPA132-PDF
Restart Your Business Restore your business (UPA134P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (UPA135) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (UPA135RESIGN) No Fee File Online or Download Form
Update Your Business Submit your Annual Continuation Report (UPA134)
Note: Due annually on or before July 1st
$50 File Online or
Request a Form
Amend your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA136) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA136-DOC or UPA136-PDF
Close Your Business Cancel your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA137) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA137-DOC or UPA137-PDF

Foreign Registered Limited Liability Partnerships

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your out-of-state Registered Limited Liability Partnership. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.
  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Start a New Business Register as a Foreign Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA138)
Note: Must provide a certificate of status from your home state
$100 File Online or Download Form
UPA138-DOC or UPA138-PDF
Restart Your Business Restore your business (UPA134P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (UPA135) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (UPA135RESIGN) No Fee File Online or Download Form
Update Your Business Submit your Annual Continuation Report (UPA134)
Note: Due annually on or before July 1st
$50 File Online or
Request a Form
Amend your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA136) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA136-DOC or UPA136-PDF
Close Your Business Cancel your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA139) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA139-DOC or UPA139-PDF

Foreign Business Trusts

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your out-of-state Business Trust. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.

  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Before You Form Reserve or Renew a Business Name (SCC631) $10 File Online or Download Form
Transfer a Reserved Business Name $10 File Online
Start a New Business Register a new Foreign Business Trust (BTA1242)
Note: See the Foreign Registration Checklist for helpful information
$100 File Online or Download Form
BTA1242-DOC or BTA1242-PDF
Restart Your Business Reinstate your business (BTA1246.3P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (BTA1221) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (BTA1222) No Fee File Online or Download Form
BTA1222-DOC or BTA1222-PDF
Update Your Business Amend your Application for Registration as a Foreign Business Trust (BTA1245) $25 File Online or Download Form
BTA1245-DOC or BTA1245-PDF
Domesticate Your Business Domesticate your Foreign Business Trust to become a Virginia Business $25 File & Attach Online.
See information on filing requirements. You must create your own articles.
Close Your Business Cancel your Registration as a Foreign Business Trust (BTA1246) $25 File Online or Download Form


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