Cases For Public Comment

Commission orders often include a provision for inviting the public to comment on a specific issue, especially when the outcome of the decision may have broad impact on the citizens and businesses of Virginia.


  • All submitted comments will be retained by the Document Control Center of the Office of the Clerk of the Commission. A copy of the information you submit will also be provided to the applicant.
  • Electronic submissions in this forum are restricted. Legal filings from applicants, defendants, petitioners, and respondents must be delivered, with the requisite number of copies and format, in the manner prescribed in the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. These parties may opt to take advantage of Electronic Document Filing with the Commission.
  • For additional information on these and other cases before the Commission, you may wish to access DocketSearch.
  • Your personal information and comments are made part of the case file and are accessible to the public through the SCC's DocketSearch feature. You may wish to review our Privacy Policy before submitting information electronically to the SCC.

Cases currently accepting public comments

Case Number Title (Link to Order of Notice and Hearing) Submit Comments Comment Deadline
PUR-2024-00105 Application of Prince Edward Solar 1, LLC, for licensure as a non-exempt shared solar subscriber organization Submit Comments 7/31/2024
PUR-2024-00094 Application of Atmos Energy Corporation for approval of a 2024 SAVE Rider Projected Factor and True-Up Factor Submit Comments 8/1/2024
PUR-2024-00098 Application of Roanoke Gas Co. for approval to implement an updated Rider RNG and file the annual report required Submit Comments 8/5/2024
PUR-2024-00109 Application of FirstService Energy, LLC, for aggregators license Submit Comments 8/7/2024
PUR-2024-00029 Petition of Dominion Energy Virginia for revision of rate adjustment clause: Rider CCR, for the recovery of costs incurred to comply with requirements Submit Comments 8/8/2024
PUR-2024-00104 SCC Ex Parte - In the matter concerning the regulation of certain towing fees Submit Comments 8/15/2024
URS-2024-00068 SCC Ex Parte: In the matter concerning a rulemaking proceeding to revise the Commission's Rules for Enforcement of the Virginia Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act Submit Comments 8/19/2024
PUR-2024-00045 Petition of Dominion Energy Virginia to transfer utility assets, amend certificate, and assign certain permits, leases, contracts, and real estate interests related to the CVOW Project Submit Comments 8/20/2024
PUR-2024-00093 Application of Roanoke Gas Company for approval to implement a 2025 SAVE Projected Factor Rate Submit Comments 8/22/2024
PUR-2024-00035 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for transmission facilities in Stafford County and the City of Fredericksburg: Fredericksburg-Aquia Harbour Lines #29, #2104, and #2157 Partial Rebuild Submit Comments 8/26/2024
PUR-2024-00067 Application of Appalachian Natural Gas Distribution Company for approval to implement SAVE rates for each customer class for Year 6 of its SAVE Plan Submit Comments 8/26/2024
PUR-2024-00021 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for approval and certification of electric transmission facilities in Prince William County: Daves Store 230kV Line Extension Submit Comments 8/28/2024
PUR-2024-00120 SCC Ex Parte: In the matter of promulgating regulations establishing a single, consistent cost-effectiveness test for use in evaluating proposed energy efficiency programs Submit Comments 9/1/2024
PUR-2024-00024 Application of Appalachian Power Company for a 2024 biennial review of its base rates, terms and conditions Submit Comments 9/4/2024
PUR-2024-00102 Joint petition of MTN Infrastructure TopCo LP, Lumos Telephone LLC, et al. and T-Mobile US, Inc. and T-Mobile Fiber JV Holdings LLC for approval to transfer control Submit Comments 9/4/2024
PUR-2024-00083 Application of N to N Fiber, Inc. to provide local exchange telecommunications services Submit Comments 9/6/2024
PUR-2024-00089 Application of Smart Communication Systems, LLC to provide local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services Submit Comments 9/6/2024
PUR-2024-00032 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for certification of electric transmission facilities: Aspen-Golden Project in Loudoun County Submit Comments 9/10/2024
PUR-2024-00044 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for certification of electric transmission facilities: Apollo-Twin Creeks Project in Loudoun County Submit Comments 9/10/2024
PUR-2024-00034 Application of Augusta Solar LLC, for a solar generating facility totaling up to 150 MWac in Augusta County, Virginia Submit Comments 9/12/2024
PUR-2023-00194 Application of Virginia-American Water Company for a general increase in rates Submit Comments 9/18/2024
PUR-2024-00074 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for transmission facilities in the counties of Augusta and Rockingham, and the Town of Grottoes: Dooms-Harrisonburg 230 kV Lines #260 and #272 Rebuild Project Submit Comments 9/24/2024
PUR-2024-00078 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia to revise its fuel factor Submit Comments 9/26/2024
PUR-2024-00123 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for an update of the 100 percent renewable energy tariff, designated Rider TRG Submit Comments 9/30/2024
PUR-2024-00076 Application of Firefly Energy LLC for solar generating and associated facilities in Pittsylvania County Submit Comments 10/1/2024
PUR-2024-00017 Application of Massanutten Public Service Corporation for an increase in water and sewer rates Submit Comments 10/2/2024
INS-2024-00074 Application of NCCI for revisions of advisory loss costs and assigned risk workers' compensation insurance rates Submit Comments 10/18/2024
PUR-2024-00114 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for approval to establish a voluntary, experimental companion tariff to support carbon-free and renewable energy generation, designated Schedule CFG Submit Comments 10/23/2024
PUR-2024-00006 Application of Roanoke Gas Company for a general increase in rates Submit Comments 10/31/2024
PUR-2024-00052 Application of Kentucky Utilities Company d/b/a Old Dominion Power Company for an adjustment of electric base rates Submit Comments 11/6/2024
PUR-2024-00105 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for electric transmission facilities in Chesapeake: Fentress-Yadkin 500 kV Line #588 Rebuild and New 500 kV Fentress-Yadkin Line #5005 Submit Comments 11/8/2024
PUR-2024-00096 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia to amend certificates for the Brunswick and Greensville County Power Stations to construct and operate an LNG Storage Facility Submit Comments 11/12/2024
PUR-2024-00092 Application of CPV County Line Solar, LLC for a solar generating facility totaling 150 MWac in Charlotte County Submit Comments 11/14/2024
PUR-2024-00030 Application of Columbia Gas of Virginia, Inc., for authority to increase rates and charges and to revise the terms and conditions applicable to gas service Submit Comments 12/4/2024
PUR-2024-00097 Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for approval of rate adjustment clause, designated Rider GEN, and the consolidation of Riders, B, BW, GV, US-2, US-3, and US-4 Submit Comments 12/4/2024