Shared Solar Program Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions and answers about shared solar programs in Virginia appear below.

We will expand the list as we identify trends in requests for additional information and/or clarification.

No. Applications may include, and identify, multiple shared solar facility projects in a single application provided that each individual facility meets the program's eligibility requirements pursuant to 20 VAC 5-340-10 C.

A non-exempt subscriber organization will receive a certificate of licensure and corresponding license number from the Commission in a Docketed Case Number.  An exempt subscriber organization will receive a certificate of exemption administratively from Commission Staff with a corresponding exemption number.

No. Commission approval is not required for registration of a shared solar facility project with the utility by an approved Subscriber Organization.

Yes, provided the entity has received a certificate of licensure from the Commission or a certificate of exemption from Commission Staff prior to the transfer of the shared solar facility or subscriber organization license.

No. Subscriber Organizations are not required to own the property where the shared solar facility project is to be located, but should be able to demonstrate a long-term use arrangement of such property.

Facilities in the Multi-family Shared Solar Program for Dominion and KU-ODP, under Code of Virginia § 56-585.1:12, may not exceed 3 MW in a single location or 5 MW in contiguous locations.  Facilities in Dominion’s Shared Solar Program, under Code of Virginia § 56-594.3, may not exceed 5 MW per parcel of land, whether a single facility or an aggregate of multiple facilities

The bill credit rate to be established by Commission Order following the November 18, 2021 hearing in Case No. PUR-2020-00125 may be adjusted annually.

RECs from a shared solar facility belong to the subscriber organization.

The licensed subscriber organization is responsible for pooling and ultimately enrolling customers as subscribers.

The utility is required to notify the subscriber organization within 30 days of registration whether the solar facility has been awarded capacity (and placed in the program queue) or placed on a waitlist. 

The handling of confidential information is addressed in the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, 5 VAC 5-20-10 et seq. The Commission requires that a Motion for Entry of a Protective Order signed by a Virginia licensed attorney accompany a confidential version of the subscriber organization application pursuant to 5 VAC 5-20-170 of the Rules. The applicant is also required to file a public version of the application pursuant to 5 VAC 5-20-140 and 5 VAC 5-20-150. Applicants are encouraged to consult their attorney and the Rules for full information related to filing an application containing confidential information. Applicants may find Rules 5 VAC 5-20-30, Counsel, and 5 VAC 5-20-170, Confidential Information, to be particularly helpful.