Energy Regulation

The 2007 General Assembly passed legislation (Senate Bill 1416 and House Bill 3068) re-establishing retail rate regulation for most of the electricity customers in the Commonwealth.

Electricity customers with annual demands greater than five megawatts have the option to shop for competitive electricity supply. 

The 2007 legislation continued the policy to allow retail customers of Virginia’s two largest gas companies, Columbia Gas and Washington Gas Light, to select other companies to provide their gas supply service.

For Your Information...

Managing Increasing Load Growth Projections

PUR-2024-00144 - Electric Utilities and Data Center Load Growth

For convenience, the Commission is providing links to the archived webcast feed from the December 16, 2024 Technical Conference, edited into sections per panel. The official transcript for the Technical Conference will be made available through the Commission’s docket search under case PUR-2024-00144.

Virginia's Conservation Efforts

Virginia Energy Sense - Your resource for information to help you reduce your energy consumption and save money through energy efficiency.