Search Results: "address change"

Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnerships

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnership. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.
  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Start a New Business Register as a Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA132) $100 File Online or Download Form
UPA132-DOC or UPA132-PDF
Restart Your Business Restore your business (UPA134P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (UPA135) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (UPA135RESIGN) No Fee File Online or Download Form
Update Your Business Submit your Annual Continuation Report (UPA134)
Note: Due annually on or before July 1st
$50 File Online or
Request a Form
Amend your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA136) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA136-DOC or UPA136-PDF
Close Your Business Cancel your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA137) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA137-DOC or UPA137-PDF

Foreign Registered Limited Liability Partnerships

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your out-of-state Registered Limited Liability Partnership. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.
  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Start a New Business Register as a Foreign Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA138)
Note: Must provide a certificate of status from your home state
$100 File Online or Download Form
UPA138-DOC or UPA138-PDF
Restart Your Business Restore your business (UPA134P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (UPA135) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (UPA135RESIGN) No Fee File Online or Download Form
Update Your Business Submit your Annual Continuation Report (UPA134)
Note: Due annually on or before July 1st
$50 File Online or
Request a Form
Amend your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA136) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA136-DOC or UPA136-PDF
Close Your Business Cancel your registration as a Registered Limited Liability Partnership (UPA139) $25 File Online or Download Form
UPA139-DOC or UPA139-PDF

Foreign Business Trusts

This page lists the filings that you may need during the lifecycle of your out-of-state Business Trust. We encourage you to file online to save time and prevent processing errors.

  I want to... Fee Filing Method
Before You Form Reserve or Renew a Business Name (SCC631) $10 File Online or Download Form
Transfer a Reserved Business Name $10 File Online
Start a New Business Register a new Foreign Business Trust (BTA1242)
Note: See the Foreign Registration Checklist for helpful information
$100 File Online or Download Form
BTA1242-DOC or BTA1242-PDF
Restart Your Business Reinstate your business (BTA1246.3P) $100 + unpaid fees File Online or
Request a Packet
Maintain Your Registered Agent and Registered Office Update your Registered Office Address or Change your Registered Agent (BTA1221) No Fee File Online or
Request a Form
Resign as Registered Agent (BTA1222) No Fee File Online or Download Form
BTA1222-DOC or BTA1222-PDF
Update Your Business Amend your Application for Registration as a Foreign Business Trust (BTA1245) $25 File Online or Download Form
BTA1245-DOC or BTA1245-PDF
Domesticate Your Business Domesticate your Foreign Business Trust to become a Virginia Business $25 File & Attach Online.
See information on filing requirements. You must create your own articles.
Close Your Business Cancel your Registration as a Foreign Business Trust (BTA1246) $25 File Online or Download Form




Amended Application for Registration as a Foreign Limited Partnership


Amended Application for Registration as a Foreign Limited Partnership


Statement of Registration as a Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnership


Statement of Registration as a Virginia Registered Limited Liability Partnership


Statement of Registration as a Foreign Registered Limited Liability Partnership


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