Administrative Orders
Identifier | Year | Description |
AO 12146 | 2022 |
Effective September 1, 2022 (new business) and September 1, 2022 (renewal business) - AIPSO Filing No. VA 21-15 makes amendments to Sections 17-19, 21-23, 26, 30-32, 35, 43, 44, 46, and 47 of the Plan Manual for Commercial Auto to facilitate the transition of the countrywide CAIP servicing carrier with a countrywide service provider.
AO 12147 | 2022 |
Item Filing E-1408 Revisions for New York Withdrawal From the NCCI Interstate Experience Rating Plan-after a study the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board withdrew from NCCI’s interstate Experience Rating Plan and Statistical Plan. The Preface footnotes are updated for these Plans. Administrative Order 12147 approved this filing effective for interstate experience rating modifications with rating effective dates on or after October 1, 2022.
AO 12148 | 2022 |
NCCI Item Filing RM-01-VA-2022 Revisions to Residual Market Rule Related to Declinations in Virginia was approved for policies effective on or after 3/1/2022. A minor editorial change was made addressing applications due to previous declinations. The application for assigned risk coverage can include the website of the carrier contact. NCCI advises that the addition of the website was appropriate as an increasing number of declinations are obtained from online sources.
AO 12149 | 2022 |
Effective November 1, 2022 (new business) and November 1, 2022 (renewal business) - AIPSO Filing No(s).: VA 22-01 - Amendment to Section 7, paragraph E, Required Filings of the Plan Manual. Amends the procedure for issuance of Financial Responsibility certificates for new applicants. Certificates will be issued by the service provider instead of by the Plan.
AO 12150 | 2022 |
Effective November 1, 2022 (new business) and November 1, 2022 (renewal business) - AIPSO Filing No(s).: VA 22-02 - Revised Sections 2 and 36 of the Plan manual for Personal Auto to include autocycles as miscellaneous nonfleet personal vehicles within the motorcycle category.
AO 12151 | 2022 |
Effective November 1, 2022 (new business) and November 1, 2022 (renewal business) - AIPSO Filing No(s).: VA 22-03 - Revised Section 18 of the Plan manual for Commercial Auto to include autocycles as miscellaneous nonfleet personal vehicles within the motorcycle category
AO 12159 | 2022 |
Effective January 1, 2023 (new business) and January 1, 2023 (renewal business) - VAIP Filing No(s).: VA 22-05- Sections 18, 19, 28, and 30 were revised to accommodate the expansion of the preliminary audit requirement; and Section 21 was amended to add reference to MCS 90B.
AO 12162 | 2022 |
Effective February 1, 2023 (new business) and February 1, 2023 (renewal business) - VAIP Filing No(s).: VA 22-06- Rule 70 – Territory Code for ZIP Code 24058 changed from 117 to 114 and ZIP Code 24468 was deleted.
AO12163 | 2022 |
Effective March 1, 2023 (new business) and March 1, 2023 (renewal business) - AIPSO Filing No. VA 22-07 - This filing revised Section 43 of the commercial auto manual to indicate a withdrawn, terminated, or insolvent servicing carrier will no longer be required to submit quarterly loss statements. Such servicing carriers will continue to provide outstanding loss data with their submissions of the CAIP Quarterly Summary Control reports.
AO 12123 | 2021 |
NCCI Item Filing B 1442 Revisions to Basic Manual Appendix E - Classifications by Hazard Group - this item revises the current classification hazard group assignments in NCCI’s Basic Manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (Basic Manual) Appendix E—Classifications by Hazard Group. It was approved by Administrative Order 12123 for policies effective on or after April 1, 2022