Search Results: "address change "

Registered Agent and Office Addresses

No. This service is planned for a future enhancement.

Registered Agent and Office Addresses

Limited Liability Companies can change their principal office address by either:

​Corporations can change their principal office address by submitting an Annual Report with changes for a corporation or amending the Annual Report. (See Annual Report FAQs for more information.)

Registered Agent and Office Addresses

You have two options for changing your registered agent and registered office information:

Once the Clerk’s Office has recorded the change, you will receive an Acknowledgement of Change.


Certificate of Name Change of an Applicant or Registrant

Forms and Fees

Submit a request to the Clerk's Office to obtain one or more of the following forms:

  • Notice of Assessment of Annual Registration Fee
  • Annual Report or Annual Continuation Report
  • Statement of Change of Registered Office/Registered Agent
  • Statement of Change of Principal Office Address of a LLC or Protected Series


Online Address Changes


Guide for submitting a Principal Office Change in CIS.

Registered Agent and Office Addresses

Registered agents can:

  • Change their legal name, registered office address or their qualification by submitting a Statement of Change of a Registered Agent and/or Registered Office
  • Resign by submitting Statement/Certificate of Resignation of Registered Agent

Registered agents can submit additional filings if they are authorized by the business principal.


Statement of Designation Change of a Virginia Protected Series by a Virginia Series Limited Liability Company


Rate Request Summary Documents Individual and Small Group ACA Market Plan Year 2020
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