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SCC News

SCC’s Bureau of Insurance Offers Post-Hurricane Season Flood Insurance Reminders

NOV 26, 2024

RICHMOND – Although the Atlantic hurricane season ends November 30, that may not mean an end to your risk for floods.

The State Corporation Commission’s Bureau of Insurance reminds Virginians that floods can happen anywhere and anytime – not just during hurricane season. Some factors that contribute to floods include heavy rains, saturated soil, melting snow and ice, broken dams and a lack of vegetation due to wildfires, development or other causes.

Floods are the most common and costly natural disaster in the United States, causing billions of dollars in damage each year. Just one inch of water can cause as much as $25,000 damage to your home, according to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

“Even a seemingly small amount of water can cause extensive damage to your home and other property,” said Virginia Insurance Commissioner Scott A. White. “Don’t wait until it’s too late. Assess your risk; protect your property and see if flood insurance is right for you.”

Homeowners, renters and commercial insurance policies issued in Virginia typically do not provide coverage for damage caused by floods, surface water or storm surge. However, coverage may be available to homeowners, renters and businesses in eligible communities through the NFIP. The federally backed flood insurance offered through the NFIP provides separate coverage for structures and contents in the event of flood damage.

Flood insurance may also be available through some private insurers. Policyholders typically must wait 30 days for a flood insurance policy to take effect, so advance planning is crucial.

If you live near the coast or in a floodplain near a river, it is especially important to consider the need for flood insurance coverage. But as Hurricane Helene reminded us, areas hundreds of miles from the ocean can experience the devastating effects of floods.

To learn more about flood insurance, contact your insurance agent or the NFIP at 877-336-2627 or visit Ask whether your flood insurance policy covers your personal property.

Unlike homeowners insurance, auto insurance usually does cover damage caused by flooding, provided you have “other-than-collision” (or “comprehensive”) coverage on your vehicle. In addition to water damage caused by flooding, comprehensive coverage typically helps pay to repair or replace vehicles if they are stolen or otherwise damaged by such things as fire, water, wind, hail, vandalism, glass breakage, falling objects or contact with an animal. Check your auto insurance policy or contact your insurance agent to find out if your vehicle is protected in the event it is damaged by floods.

For questions or information about a variety of insurance-related topics, contact the Virginia Bureau of Insurance in Richmond at 804-371-9741 or toll-free at 1-877-310- 6560 or visit its website at


Contact: Katha Treanor, 804-371-9141



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SCC Schedules Local Hearing in Fairfax County on Proposed Dominion Energy Virginia Transmission Line Project 

NOV 22, 2024

RICHMOND – The State Corporation Commission (SCC) will hold a hearing in Fairfax County on December 5, 2024, to receive public testimony on a request by Dominion Energy Virginia to build electric transmission facilities that include 230 kilovolt Lines #210 and #243 Extension and the 230-34.5 kilovolt Edsall Substation.

The public hearing is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. and conclude at 10 p.m. in the North Springfield Elementary School, 7602 Heming Court, in Springfield. Persons intending to testify as public witnesses should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting and register with the Commission’s bailiff. Witness statements will be limited to five minutes in length.

The SCC also offers a public witness session by telephone to begin at 10 a.m. on December 19, 2024. Public witnesses intending to provide oral testimony telephonically at this hearing must pre-register with the SCC by 5 p.m. on December 12, 2024. The hearing will be webcast at:

Public witnesses wishing to provide telephonic testimony may preregister in one of three ways:

  • Completing a public witness form for case number PUR-2024-00135 on the SCC’s website at:
  • Emailing the same form (PDF version on the same website as above) to
  • Calling the SCC at 804-371-9141 during normal business hours (8:15 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and providing your name and the phone number you wish the Commission to call to reach you during the hearing.

For those who prefer, there is also an opportunity to provide comments in writing on the proposed transmission line project. Written comments may be submitted through the SCC’s website by December 12, 2024, at Simply go to the SCC website, hover over the word “Cases” and select “Submit Public Comments” from the menu that appears. You will see a list of “Cases Currently Accepting Public Comments.” Scroll down to case numbers PUR-2024-00135. Then select “Submit Comments.” 

Comments can also be submitted by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. All comments must refer to case number PUR-2024-00135.


Contact: Andy Farmer, 804-371-0141

Case Number PUR-2024-00135 – Dominion Energy Virginia for approval and certification of electric transmission facilities: 230 kilovolt Lines #210 and #243 Extension and the 230-34.5 kilovolt Edsall Substation

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