SCC Names Joseph F. Damico Chief Administrative Officer


JUL 12, 2024

RICHMOND – The State Corporation Commission (SCC) has named Joseph F. Damico its chief administrative officer.

Damico joins the Commission on July 25, 2024. He recently served as the deputy director the Richmond Department of Public Works. Prior to that, Damico served in leadership roles for more than 21 years at the Virginia Department of General Services (DGS), including six years as the director. He has over 30 years of public service experience. 

As the SCC’s chief administrative officer, Damico will oversee administrative divisions responsible for the SCC’s budget, human resources, computer technology, data security, public relations, procurement and facilities management. 

At DGS, Damico oversaw its statewide scope of responsibilities managing Virginia’s public health and environmental laboratory; procurement of non-technology goods and services; capital outlay management; construction management; real estate; management and maintenance of Capitol Square grounds and buildings; fleet management; the state and federal surplus property programs; and mail delivery at the seat of government. Damico managed an agency with more than 700 authorized employees and an annual operational budget of approximately $270 million, with an additional approximately $500 million in capital outlay projects. Among the major initiatives he led was the construction and renovation of projects to enhance and preserve Capitol Square, including that of the new General Assembly Building, Old City Hall, the Barbara Johns Building and Reid’s Row – all historically significant buildings – as well as repairs to the Capitol and enhancements to the grounds in and around the Capitol. 

Damico replaces Samuel A. Nixon Jr., who is retiring this month after nine years with the SCC. Prior to joining the SCC, Nixon was the chief information officer of the Commonwealth and the director of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency from 2010 to 2015. Nixon was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates from 1994 to 2010, representing Chesterfield County.

The SCC, established in 1902 by the Constitution of Virginia, holds jurisdiction over many businesses that directly impact Virginia consumers. The SCC’s authority encompasses utilities, insurance, a health benefit exchange, state-chartered financial institutions, securities, retail franchising, railroads, and underground utility safety.


Contact: Greg Weatherford, 804-371-9141