Search Results: "entity "


Guide for submitting a Principal Office Change in CIS.


Guide for filing a Reinstatement online in CIS.


A foreign corporation, limited liability company or business trust can become a Virginia corporation, limited liability company or business trust by filing articles of domestication. That is, the business entity ceases to be incorporated, organized or formed under the laws of the foreign jurisdiction and instead becomes incorporated, organized or formed under the laws of Virginia.

You can view additional information on the difference between registering and domesticating a foreign business entity in our frequently asked questions.

Creating Articles of Domestication

We have produced guides to help you prepare the articles of domestication. You must prepare your articles as a separate document, using the forms below as a guide only,  A marked-up version of the guide will not be accepted.

Guide for Articles of Domestication (Foreign limited liability company intending to become a Virginia limited liability company) LLC1077-DOC
File Online
Guide for Articles of Domestication (Foreign nonstock corporation intending to become a Virginia nonstock corporation) SCC898.4-DOC
$25 + any additional charter fee. Contact Clerk’s Office for assistance.
File Online
Guide for Articles of Domestication (Foreign stock corporation intending to become a Virginia stock corporation) SCC722.5-VA-DOC
$25 + any additional charter fee. Contact Clerk’s Office for assistance.
File Online


Articles of Organizations, Formation or Trust for the Virginia Entity

Articles of Organization, Incorporation, or Trust for the Virginia business entity must also be prepared as part of the domestication. The forms for these filings can be found below:

Articles of Organization of a Virginia Limited Liability Company LLC1011-DOC
Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Stock Corporation SCC619-DOC
Articles of Incorporation of a Virginia Nonstock Corporation SCC819-DOC
Articles of Trust of a Domestic Business Trust BTA1212-DOC


Application for a Certificate of Cancellation to Cancel a Certificate of Registration to Transact Business in Virginia by a Foreign Limited Liability Company


Guide for registering an out-of-state LLC in CIS.


Guide for Registering a Foreign Stock Corporation in CIS.


Guide for Articles of Conversion (Virginia stock corporation converting to a Virginia limited liability company)


Articles of Cancellation of a Virginia Limited Liability Company


Registered navigators are required to report the following to the Commission at within 30 days:

  • Any felony convictions (include facts and circumstances around conviction)
  • Any administrative action taken against the navigator in another state or by another governmental agency in the Commonwealth

Standards of Conduct

A navigator shall not:
  • Engage in any activity that would require an insurance agent license
  • Offer advice about which qualified health or dental plan is better or worse for an individual or employer
  • Act as an intermediary between employer and insurer that offers qualified health or dental plans offered through an exchange
  • Violate any unfair trade practice and privacy requirements applicable to the activities of navigators
  • Receive compensation for services or duties as a navigator, including compensation from health carriers
An individual or entity shall not claim to be and/or conduct business as a navigator without:
  • Being selected as such in accordance with federal or state law
  • Having evidence of successful completion of all navigator requirements prescribed by the Virginia Exchange
  • Meeting additional requirements outlined in §38.2-3457

If any individual or entity engages in one or more of the prohibited activities above, a complaint may be filed with the Commission. If the complaint is verified after investigation, the individual or entity may be ordered to cease and desist further prohibited conduct.


How to register a "doing business as" name in CIS.
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