The Division of Utility and Railroad Safety assists the SCC's three Commissioners in administering safety programs involving underground utility damage prevention, jurisdictional natural gas and hazardous liquid pipeline facilities, and railroads.
The Damage Prevention section investigates all reports of "probable violations" of the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act and presents its findings and recommendations to the Commission's Damage Prevention Advisory Committee. The Committee makes enforcement recommendations to the Commission. The Division provides free training relative to the Damage Prevention Act to stakeholders, conducts public education campaigns, and promotes partnership amongst various parties to further underground utility damage prevention in Virginia.
The Pipeline Safety section of the Division helps ensure the safe operation of natural gas and hazardous liquid pipeline facilities through inspections of facilities, review of records and investigation of incidents.
The Railroad Regulation section of the Division conducts inspections of railroad facilities including track and equipment to ensure safe operation of jurisdictional railroads within Virginia. (The Commission is also vested with the duty of regulating railroad companies to the extent provided by the Virginia Constitution., Art. IX, § 2.)