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SCC News

SCC Offers Insurance Tips for Students Heading to College

JUL 29, 2024

RICHMOND – August is the time when many students head to college, some for the first time. While college means new classes, instructors, friends and living quarters, it can also mean new insurance needs.

The State Corporation Commission’s (SCC) Bureau of Insurance (Bureau) encourages Virginia families with college students to make sure their college prep checklist includes a thorough review of both their own insurance needs and those of their students. “Protect yourself and your family financially by ensuring your student has the insurance coverage they need for their health, auto, living space and belongings before they leave for college,” said Virginia Insurance Commissioner Scott A. White. “Make sure they understand their coverage and how to file a claim, if needed.”

The Bureau encourages parents and students to shop around for insurance coverage and compare premiums and policy provisions. Read any insurance policy carefully and make sure you understand exactly what is covered, as well as exclusions, deductibles and limits. If you have questions or concerns, contact your insurance agent or company.

The Bureau offers the following insurance considerations for parents and college students:


College students have several options for getting health insurance. Under federal law, students may be able to stay on their parents’ health insurance until they turn 26 years old. If your student remains on your health insurance policy, make sure they have a copy of any insurance cards and understand what services are covered, as well as know how to obtain referrals, if necessary, before seeking treatment. Under some health insurance policies, your student would need to find a physician or hospital that is within your insurance carrier’s provider network – except for emergency care – or pay more out of pocket if a provider is outside your carrier’s network.

Students who do not have health insurance through a parent's policy, or who have limited coverage due to provider networks or service areas, may opt to purchase a student health insurance plan through their college or university. Students also may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period that would allow them to apply for a private health insurance plan through Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace at


College students often take many valuable items with them to school, such as laptops, printers, mobile phones, televisions, gaming devices and bicycles. When reviewing your insurance needs, consider how much it would cost to replace everything in your student’s dorm room or apartment if a theft or disaster occurred.

For students who live in on-campus student housing, their parents’ homeowners or renters policy may cover their belongings if they are stolen or damaged. Some policies, however, may limit the amount of coverage provided. Certain items – such as jewelry or expensive electronics – may require special coverage. In the event of a loss, policy deductibles may also apply.

Students living off campus should consider renters insurance, which typically covers a tenant's personal property and insures the tenant in case someone is injured on their leased premises. Landlords’ policies generally only cover the structure, not a renter’s possessions. Renters insurance premiums vary depending on the location of the rental unit and the value of the tenant's possessions.

No matter where your student lives, an inventory of personal property will help you and your student determine how much insurance is needed. If a loss occurs, the inventory can facilitate the claims process. Free smartphone apps – like the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) Home Inventory – make creating a home inventory easy.


For college students planning to take a car to school, parents should ask their insurance agent or company about coverage availability – as well as rates for the city and state where the college is located – before deciding whether to keep the student’s car on the family policy. If your student is attending college in another state, make sure you know that state’s minimum requirements for auto insurance coverage. Additionally, check with your agent or insurance company about good student discounts on the vehicle’s insurance premiums for students who maintain good grades.

Students whose names are on the title for a car should be named as an insured on the auto insurance policy. However, they may be able to stay on their parents' policy if their parents own the vehicle they will use at school. Tell your insurance agent where the vehicle will be kept if the address is different from what is on the policy.

For more information, contact the Bureau toll-free at 1-877-310-6560 or in Richmond at 804-371-9741 or visit its website at


Contact: Katha Treanor, 804-371-9141

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SCC Schedules Local Hearing in Loudoun County on Proposed Dominion Energy Virginia Transmission Line Projects

JUL 26, 2024

RICHMOND – The State Corporation Commission (SCC) will hold a hearing in Loudoun County on September 5, 2024, to receive public testimony on a request by Dominion Energy Virginia to build the Aspen-Golden and Apollo-Twin Creeks electric transmission facilities.

The public hearing is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. and conclude at 10 p.m. in the Belmont Ridge Middle School auditorium, 19045 Upper Belmont Place, in Leesburg. Persons intending to testify as public witnesses should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting and register with the Commission’s bailiff. Witness statements will be limited to five minutes in length.

The SCC also offers a public witness session by telephone to begin at 10 a.m. on August 6, 2024. Public witnesses intending to provide oral testimony telephonically at this hearing must pre-register with the SCC by 5 p.m. on July 31, 2024. The hearing will be webcast at:

Public witnesses wishing to provide telephonic testimony may preregister in one of three ways:

  • Completing a public witness form for case number PUR-2024-00032 or PUR-2024-00044 on the SCC’s website at:
  • Emailing the same form (PDF version on the same website as above) to
  • Calling the SCC at 804-371-9141 during normal business hours (8:15 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and providing your name and the phone number you wish the Commission to call to reach you during the hearing.

For those who prefer, there is also an opportunity to provide comments in writing on the proposed transmission line projects. Written comments may be submitted through the SCC’s website by September 10, 2024, at Simply go to the SCC website, hover over the word “Cases” and select “Submit Public Comments” from the menu that appears. You will see a list of “Cases Currently Accepting Public Comments.” Scroll down to case numbers PUR-2024-00032 and PUR-2024-00044. Then select “Submit Comments.” 

Comments can also be submitted by U.S. mail to the Clerk of the State Corporation Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2118. All comments must refer to case number PUR-2024-00032 or PUR-2024-00044.


Contact: Andy Farmer, 804-371-9141

Hearing Examiner's Ruling Scheduling Local Hearing

Case Number PUR-2024-00032 – Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for certification of electric transmission facilities: Aspen-Golden Project in Loudoun County 
Case Number PUR-2024-00044– Application of Dominion Energy Virginia for certification of electric transmission facilities: Apollo-Twin Creeks Project in Loudoun County

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